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  • Ria Raj

A Quick Note from the Editors

November 3, 2020 | Written By - Ria Raj '21 and Katherine Cassese '21

Happy Election day! As we dive into this emotional week, we ask you to remember the words of current senior, Kendal Harris: “...we must continue to use our voices. Though speaking out can feel like stepping off a cliffside, our words hold unimaginable power in this righteous fight for equality. We must hold each other and ourselves accountable no matter how inconvenient and uncomfortable. And most importantly, I ask you all to take on the challenges faced by our community with astute determination, for none of us can change the future until we look towards this impenetrable wall of injustice and aren’t afraid to start climbing.”

The Laurel Political Review is committed to the fight for Anti-Racism within these dear walls. This work has only just begun; we celebrate the small victories, but acknowledge the bigger picture. In this vein, we urge the Laurel community to recognize that this election - regardless of its result - is particularly important to BIPOC students within our community. Learn from others’ lived experiences, especially those of BIPOC students, even if they don’t align with what you’ve faced: our understanding of the world will be shallow if we only believe what we have personally gone through. Treat their voices with respect, dignity and trust.

Our school is filled with passionate opinions that are worth hearing and sharing, especially as we pursue Anti-Racism. We, the editors, will do everything in our power to spur effective discourse and highlight the voices of Laurel’s BIPOC community. We request that you join us by continuing to speak, write, debate, and challenge what you don’t believe in. Be the instigator, be the change. Hold us editors accountable. Our silence stalls progress and perpetuates hate, but every single one of us is capable of being a proponent of change.

Stay informed, stay outraged; it means far more than you know, especially to BIPOC students at Laurel.

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