September 8th, 2017
Written by - Daania Tahir '19
One of my biggest frustrations is not being able to discuss politics, not being able to talk about the daily events of our country without the nagging fear that it'll be "offensive" and too controversial. Our society, our school even, has made politics a controversial, taboo issue. Has made political beliefs something that is solely supposed to be personal and only discussed carefully with those who share the same beliefs. Here's the thing. Keeping these political beliefs a solely personal thing is so, terrifyingly, damaging. How can you decide what you believe without hearing the stories and opinions of others? We cannot live selfish lives, entrenching ourselves in our own bubbles of ignorance and privilege and comfort. Opinions and beliefs can change and I feel like our society has fabricated an atmosphere where you can't do that. Where you are supposed to be "loyal" to your party and firm in your beliefs see every issue through the lens of a red elephant or a blue donkey. And that atmosphere creates a place where trying to challenge others and even yourself is offensive. And that's a fundamental failure of our society, and one that we must work to change. Discuss, question and challenge, politics and social justice issues should no longer be something to skirt and dodge around.