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Ria Raj

Editor's Note - Why Staying Informed Means More Than You Know

October 23, 2019 | Written by - Ria Raj

Being informed about the world around you should never be regarded as an option or a choice. Rather, it is one’s responsibility as a member of the international community. I had never delved so deeply into issues regarding the international community until I finally accepted that I was completely lost in the world around me. I could never connect to my Indian or Hindu culture because I never felt like I could embrace it around others. No one understood it and it was no immediate fault of their own. We naturally gravitate towards the option of comfortability. We consciously hope to avoid conflict and like to stay in our bubble of isolation, entrapped in “these dear walls,” because it means we don’t have to try and process the complexities of the outside world. It’s a common and fair conclusion, but not a valid one. As American women, we have to understand that the international community isn’t a “foreign” concept to anyone except ourselves. That is perfectly understandable. But because non-Americans within our own community choose to respect our lifestyle, our past, and our country, we have to respect this part of non-Americans.

Understanding the world around us has become a pivotal part of my life and above anything, I wish to share that with the Laurel community. Stay informed, stay outraged. We are highly privileged women, who experience an education like none other. We have the privilege of having the ability to be informed. So when you choose to stay uninformed, or misinformed, you are consciously making the decision to ignore this inherent privilege. Sparking civil conversation at Laurel is no easy task, but the first step is confronting the disagreements and accepting that tough conversations are to come. Our world and community are filled to the brim with passionate opinions that are worth sharing in a civil way. This publication is meant to initiate civil discourse, to fight for what you believe in, and to challenge what you don't. We must begin speaking, writing, debating, and confronting. Write and read about the world around you and form your educated opinions! Use this publication to do this. Be the instigator, be the change. Being educated is only the first step. Staying informed and analyzing the complex concepts which our world presents us with is what comes next. Silence perpetuates a lack of progress, but every single one of us is capable of being a proponent of change.

I am so excited to be releasing the first Political Review Issue of the year. In this issue, you will find topics spanning countries across the international community, from Syria to China to the USA. Please enjoy these wonderful analyses of worldwide complexities. The issue is also available in your mailboxes

STAY INFORMED AND WRITE FOR THE POLITICAL REVIEW! Remember it doesn't have to be long or beautifully written, just respectful and relevant. Articles can always be anonymous if you are not yet ready to claim your voice :)

Please email with questions/comments/concerns or to write in future issues! If you wish to respond to an article, let me know!

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