November 3, 2020 | Written By - Camryn Houston '21
The plot to kidnap Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is a convoluted and scary one, but a very clear indication of what happens when right wing extremists do not get their way. I believe that we can expect this type of radical, childish, yet fatal behavior, as long as our current Commander in Chief continues to spread misinformation on a plethora of topics, especially the coronavirus. Although just now surfacing in the media, this crazy conspiracy dates all the way back to June of this past summer. Upset with governor Whitmer’s safety policies and orders regarding the virus, Adam Fox and Barry Croft organized a meeting on June 6th in Dublin, Ohio to discuss their complaints about the state-ordered shutdowns, claiming that the unfair and unconstitutional orders violated their rights. About a dozen other contributors met at this meeting to draft plans for killing “tyrants” and “taking” the governor. After their first unofficial meeting, the group decided that if they were to go about this terrorist plot, they would need militia training and support. This entire debacle, which was completely premeditated and thought out in incredible detail, was all because of the government-mandated, statewide shutdowns that occurred in order to ensure public safety and limit the alarming number of rising cases.
On June 20th, the group met at a Vac Shack, which is the home and workplace of Adam Fox. The group discussed concrete plans: attacking the state capitol, using Molotov cocktails to destroy police vehicles, and beginning firearm and tactical training in July. This training was held at the house of two of the 14 men currently being charged, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico. The group held firearm training sessions and, although unsuccessful, the group tried to make explosive bombs using black power. The group of men literally tried to create a bomb in response to their favorite local businesses being temporarily shut down or modified because of the Coronavirus.
If we take a look at other countries, like New Zealand and the majority of Europe, there is no comparison to the staggering number of cases the United States is currently experiencing. The way Donald Trump and his administration downplayed the virus for months, spreading misinformation and racist lies, deeply impacted the way many Americans responded to this deadly virus. Unlike the belief of these radical men and many others, the coronavirus is very real and requires heavily enforced statewide orders. I too am very saddened by the closing and shutting down of my favorite restaurants and businesses, but I believe the anger these men feel is very displaced. As I struggle to adapt to a new normal, I look at my political leaders, specifically our Commander in Chief, to have the best interest of Americans as priority number one. Unfortunately, this type of accountability is a luxury the American people, only supported by one insufficient stimulus check, can no longer afford. My advice to these men and others hoping to follow in their footsteps: reevaluate the situation and, instead of planning a dangerous terrorist attack, just vote.