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  • Ria Raj

Typhoon Tembin

February 1st, 2018

Written By - Hadas Galili '19

For much of 2017 it seemed that our country couldn’t catch a break from natural disasters. While we were quick to mourn the losses felt inside our borders and spread hashtags like the wildfires we watched burn forest after forest, we failed to fully acknowledge the losses felt by our non-Western brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. In 2018, I would like that habit to change. On December 16, Typhoon Tembin swept over the southern Philippines and killed 267 people between its formation and dissipation on December 26.

But where was the global outrage, the fear, the prayers for the Philippines? I’ll spare you the research, there was none. But there needs to be, now and forever. We cannot allow immense tragedies such as this one to go unnoticed and for the victims to be left to sort through the damage themselves. In 2018, we are making a change and helping the Philippines should be our first act. Please, if you can, act now by donating to Caritas Manila, the Church of the Poor, at this link If you are unable to do so, raise awareness instead. Tell everyone about Typhoon Tembin. Create the global outrage that this disaster deserves.

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