September 5th, 2017
Written by - Linzy Malcolm '20
In response to a video of a man getting beat by a police officer with a child present:
That poor child had to watch a man get beaten by police for no reason. Imagine explaining to a child, so young that this is the world we live in: Where the KKK and nazis can riot in the streets with torches and flags, use violence, and kill 1 person, injure 19 and the police do nothing, but people at a peaceful black lives matter movement get arrested and pepper sprayed. A man gets pulled over he is beaten and harassed by those who are supposed to make our streets safer. Then the woman who filmed it got arrested. Does that make any sense? You tell me. When a Muslim man drives a truck into a crowd he is instantly called terrorist, but when a white man does it in Charlottesville the headline is “Man from Ohio runs car into crowd.” News flash but most of the terrorists are from our own country. Racism is taught. You were not born thinking that a certain neighborhood is unsafe because minority's live there. You were not born thinking that you will get shot whenever a black person walks past. You were not born thinking that women aren't as capable as men. Bigotry is taught. Kids and teens pick up things so easily and that's why I believe that we need strong leaders that teach us the difference between right and wrong, not that women need to buy what is essentially rape insurance, that ALL people can serve our country that I only sometimes dearly love, that all people deserve a chance at the American dream, whether it exists or not, (also that we shouldn't threaten countries that want to nuke us, but you know i'm not going to go there today). I also think a leader should say more than “Charlottesville sad!” in this situation.